SEO Algorithms favour videos with a high engagement rate so, if your video loses all its viewers halfway through, it is not going to score highly and the opportunity is lost.
However, if most watch through to the end then the bots will look on your content positively.
This is why shorter videos seem to do better but, as mentioned in the previous blog (Five steps to figure out the best length promotional video) there are a few things to consider which dictate the right video length for you.
This guide will show you how to make your video once you have decided
on the perfect length.
1. Start strong
If action is required then ask quickly within the first 10secs.
According to research by JPL, we have 10 seconds to get someone attention with a video.
Identify the problem or pain point of the customer as soon as possible so they know the video is for them.
If you feature elements of a local area then those elements will help the video resonate and create a connection with people from that area. Don’t be afraid to make personalise it.
2. Have a clear hook/ compelling reason
What is going to make them want to interact with the video? E.g. 50% off, tickets to an event, first of its kind?
Promotional videos are good for time-sensitive information where the customer needs to know something quickly so that they don’t miss out.
If you have a lot to say then make a series.
Make multiple videos with each one being relevant to the different social channels available.
3. Use the right title
Set your video up to match viewer expectations.
A long, detailed title suggests the content is going to be long, informative and technical
Short titles suggest something more entertaining.
4. Use the right preview Image
The preview image is important and generally speaking a person in an image suggests fun and light content.
A product in the image suggests a serious video for those already familiar with the brand
Just text suggests something long and detailed.
5. Subtitles
Most people watch videos without sound on the train, bus, even at home so subtitles or caption are recommended.
6. Have a marketing plan once it is made
Having it on YouTube and doing nothing will mean no views even if you have an audience there.
Promote the video through PR, online, through social and also via email.
Use analytics to see how your decisions affect video performance.
7. Pick the right time to share
Is your business seasonal? E.g. Gardening products in December won’t sell as well as in Spring.
Use Tuesday - You can be sure that journalists and media professionals have already dealt with cases from the previous week and went through their mailbox on Monday. At the same time, Tuesday gives you just enough time — a total of three days — to follow up.
Is your business global or local?
Do you operate in different time zones?
What are the habits of your audience?