5 tips to do well on film

When being interviewed even though your are feeling sh*t scared you can still do well. Take a deep breath, smile and follow these few steps. Hollywood awaits!

1.    Be prepared. Know what you want to say before you say it. This doesn’t mean endless hours or rehearsals because you don’t need to. When answering questions do it naturally and in your own words. Don’t try and force it but, if you do need to site stats and facts, have a note of them with you so you land them right.

2.    Be on time. Rushing into a shoot and getting straight into it might sound nice to get it over and done with but, if you get there early, you can see the set, the room and even what others before you are doing if there are multiple interviews. Also it always looks good to be a bit early. The crew will thank you for it.

3.    Dress right. Thin stripes, close together stripes of checks and green. Some colours and patterns to avoid on film. Digital cameras cannot cope, even now, with tight patterns and moire on film is unsightly at best. Also you may be filming against a coloured background either for effect or as a green screen so know the set before you dress so you can be seen.

4.    Have some water. Any crew worth their salt will give you a glass or bottle of water to have with you during your interview but have one with you just in case

5.    Don’t Panic! Most people find being interviewed on camera a little intimidating. Especially under a professional lighting setup. Relax. We’ve got you.