At Mint Films we ensure that every production we are involved with is ‘green’ and reduces our carbon footprint, in what can be a very environmentally damaging industry. Here are five steps you can do:
1. Ban Plastic.
We don’t need disposables on set, and by encouraging everyone to bring their own drink flasks, you are not only COVID safer, but you also reduce waste.
2. Recycle
After breakfast and lunch there can be a pile of black bags full of waste. Recycle paper, plastic and metal and most of that waste goes away.
3. ‘We are Green.’
Often by just telling people this is a ‘green’ production, individuals will change their behaviour and the path is laid for conversations on set to bring people on board.
4. Turn it Off
Leaving lights and cameras on drains the batteries, but also uses unnecessary power. By switching off between scenes or even between takes, sometimes the power consumption of the set can be drastically reduced.
5. Share a Lift.
It’s more interesting having someone else in the car with you, and a lift shared means one less car to park and one less car to fuel. We have also used minibuses before to pick up the whole crew and take them to and from the set.