Film and video production is an environmentally damaging business. Documentaries fly crew and presenters all over the world, creating a huge carbon footprint. Even if the production is UK based, many of the people involved will drive to the location and several vans will bring the kit, props and costumes needed.

Sustainable film production should be the norm, not the exception and initiatives like Albert have helped lessen our impact in the world of TV. You can now see the Albert footprint in the credits at the end of TV programmes, especially those on the BBC, to show they have tried to be environmentally aware in the making of the content.

This is what we have done to extend this into the world of advertising to not only reduce our carbon footprint, but also improve the environments we work in once we leave.



  • We use crew local to the area to reduce mileage.

  • We encourage car sharing, lifts and train travel where possible.

  • We avoid flights where we can.


  • Are banned from our sets.

  • Crew, cast and clients bring their own flasks for water and hot drinks and we use real cutlery, plates, cups etc and wash up!

Carbon Footprint

  • We offset our Carbon footprint every year with the Carbon Exchange.

  • We also donate £1 for every hour we work to conservation projects in the UK aimed at reducing carbon in the atmosphere.


Go Green

We use 100% green electricity at our office and to recharge batteries and equipment post-filming.

We avoid single-use batteries in microphones or any other item.

We recycle all of our rubbish.

We aim to lessen the carbon impact of lunch and breakfast.

Over the years we have also been involved in several environmental projects to help improve the areas we live and film in:

Kickstarter Campaigns

We have backed Netzero who have developed a lawn application that can turn any lawn into a CO2 catcher by utilising mushroom networks under the soil.

Local School and Community Projects

We helped build a sensory and relaxation garden at the Cancer Ward at Solihull Hospital alongside Dave Green Gardens.

Planting Trees

In the fight against climate change, our best warriors are trees. They capture and store C02 and they don’t need any long term contracts, new technology or massive investment. They are trees, and we have planted several thousand through donations and partnerships with the Woodlands Trust.